Protecting Our Communities

I have dedicated my career to protecting our families and communities from violent and dangerous offenders. Over the last 13 years I have prosecuted murderers, rapists, and child abusers. As Coconino County’s lead prosecutor, I will continue to prioritize the prosecution of victim-related crimes that threaten the quality of life in our community. [Follow this link to learn about past prosecutions, including the Mennonite Murder.]

Alternatives to Prosecution

Many individuals in the criminal justice system are living with serious addiction or mental illness. In the absence of other crimes, these are public health problems, and they should be addressed through treatment and alternatives to prison. These programs not only save money, they save lives. I have experience developing these programs, and will continue to expand on these programs in the future. [Follow this link to listen to a podcast where I discuss what I’m doing to expand these programs in Coconino County]

Reproductive Rights

I will not prosecute women for obtaining reproductive services or their medical providers for providing reproductive services—including abortion.

Juvenile Justice Reform

I am committed to increasing restorative justice options for juvenile offenders and reducing the confinement of our youth, especially in our native populations. I am currently working with the Juvenile Court system in Coconino County to provide additional options and resources to prevent these youth from entering the adult criminal justice system. 

Access to Justice

Coconino County is a vast and beautiful land. Unfortunately, many people living outside of Flagstaff, like the Navajo and Hopi Nations, are forced to travel great distances and at great personal expense to participate in the court process. I am committed to bringing the system to the people through remote means so that victims, defendants, and others can participate in the justice process without further disrupting their lives.